13 th Annual General body meeting on 23-2-2024 at Hyderabad.

About Us

Benifits Of Trust

Benefits for IADVL members of DVL Trust

  • Social security to family members: Note: Financial benefits will start after ONE year of joining the scheme. Nominee will get Rs. 450 x N, where N = No. of members of DVL trust. In other words, when more IADVL members join this scheme, more fraternity benefit for members families.
  • Professional legal protection, when applicable, for those members opting for it: Legal help is extended in all types of cases like civil, criminal, labour & consumer redressal fora.

Please note that DVL trust welfare Scheme is new ongoing scheme initiated by IADVL for the benefit of its members. Periodic modifications and improvements in the scheme to make it more member friendly are expected to take place from time to time.

As on 31-Mar-2024

Actual Members as on 31-Mar-2024 1103
Last DFC paid to deceased member's nominee Rs. 4,76,550.00/-
Total amount paid to nominee of deceased members Rs. 55,45,300.00/-
Amount likely to be paid to Deceased member Rs. 1,93,950/-
Maximum contribution paid by any one member Rs. 13,800/-

For Medico-legal aspect we have successfully negotiated with LegalMD Global Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Members can avail the services all over India.

For further clarifications contact Dr Chetan N Patel at email: dvlwelfaretrust@gmail.com or drcnpatel@gmail.com or State co-ordinators.

The enrolment form is available on www.dvlwelfaretrust.org

Dr. Chetan N. Patel

DVL Welfare Trust.